Redwoods Roadtrip

The first day of our roadtrip with Elke up to the redwoods.

Første dag af vores rejse med Elke til de store redwood træer.


Pano Src




Monica with goldfish

Giant goldfish


Feeding the enormous goldfish

Enormous goldfish

Grow-Through car

Beth, Rebecca, Elke and Monica

Grow-Through cars

Oluf and Monica at Grow-Through cars

Oluf and Monica at Grow-Through cars

Beth taking a picture of her legs and shoes

Sign at Grow-Through Cars

Sign at Grow-Through Cars

Rebecca at solar center

Elke at solar center

Pond at solar center

Rebecca, Monica and Beth at solar center

Beth, Rebecca and Monica at solar center

Beth and Monica at solar center


Fish at solar center

Bird at Hopland solar center

Bird at Hopland solar center

Drive through tree

Drive through tree


Giant redwood tree

Elke on Avenue of the Giants

Beth, Monica and Rebecca on Avenue of the Giants

A giant redwood tree cut down

Monica hiding Rebecca

Monica smiling a big smile

Monica and Rebecca wrestling

Myers Flat Inn room

Myers Flat Inn room

Sunset at Myers Flat

Avenue of the Giants

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)